We Founded Growth Hub to Serve Aspiring Business Builders

We combine our own passion and skills with the top training curriculum on the market to deliver fast ROI

Expert Trainers

Top Curriculum

Fast ROI

We understand the struggle, sacrifice, stress, and frustration business owners experience.

Making the transition from employee to business owner is tough. When your business doesn’t grow as fast as you expected, or when the chaos starts and you don’t get to enjoy your success, it can feel deflating (especially when you’ve been a super achiever your entire career). And having to constantly stop to deal with distractions will slow your growth and create a frustrating amount of chaos around you.

It’s just not right that so many business owners end up overextended and at risk of failure. We believe people who were super achievers also have the potential to be next level leaders for their business and can reap the rewards, both financially and in their lifestyle, for the effort they put into building a business. 

There should be a payoff for the sacrifice!

Meet the Founders

Complete Your Transformation from Super
Achiever to Next Level Leader

Accelerate your growth with Growth Hub

What is a super achiever?

A super achiever is characterized by the skills, hustle, and grit that make them successful. Being ultra-competitive and having an insane drive can take you a long ways in business. Super achievers can accomplish great things on their own, but you need training in order to become a next level leader that achieves even more. 

What is a next level leader?

A next level leader wins through strategies, systems, and teams, versus doing and achieving on your own. It’s not about you being everything for your business. If your business can survive without you, you’re one step closer to the freedom and flexibility that you want. It’s time to grow your leadership with Growth Hub.

Complete your transformation with Growth Hub:

We are like Crossfit for business owners, but instead of building muscle, Growth Hub members strengthen their business.

High performers want results. No fluff. Just results.
Growth Hub members learn to build:

• Chaos conquering systems
• Industry dominating teams
• Trophy kissing profits

We offer no-nonsense training for the most competitive, driven business leaders out there.
Become a NEXT LEVEL LEADER with Growth Hub.

We Use Proven Systems and Methodologies for
Fast Results and Lasting Impact

Action-based learning

Interactive experience

Guided implementation

Advance90 Management System

Running a business is hard and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the complexity. The Advance90 system eliminates chaos by organizing priorities and getting everyone on the same page. Teams that implement Advance90 get more done in less time, with less confusion and less stress.

Advanced Insights Profile

Are team challenges (hiring, motivating, communicating) sucking the life out of your business? The Advanced Insights assessment will help you build a stronger team. Stop losing good people and experience what it feels like to have a supercharged team that produces exceptional results.

Sales Framework and Strategy

Having a great team and a vision to grow won’t matter without a reliable strategy to reach more customers. Our Sales Framework equips you to reach more of your ideal customers. Once you’ve implemented your sales strategy, growth becomes predictable and scaling becomes a reality.

Train with Growth Hub and become a

3 Easy Steps to Get Started:

Schedule a
Discovery Call

Schedule a 30-minute consultation with a guide who will answer questions and share details about the Growth Accelerator program

Take a Free Business Health Assessment

Identify strengths and discover areas for improvement with a complimentary and comprehensive business health assessment.

Grow with
Growth Hub

Build a winning business so you can have more time, more structure, more high-performing people, and more wealth.

Our Clients Love Our Work and
Trust Our Ability to Get Results

Daniel Ray

Daniel grew up with a passion for pushing the limits, whether it was skateboarding, bmx, or drag racing motorcycles. Shortly after high school, he learned a trade and has stayed in the construction industry for two decades.

Before starting Growth Hub, he spent 20 years at a regional eight-figure flooring company, where he was most recently the Vice President of Business Development. Daniel is a co-founder and Co-Chair of the North Carolina Rental Home Council and is an Associate Director of the Home Builders Association of Greater Charlotte.

Daniel loves meeting new people and working to make those connections significant and meaningful. He is an excellent communicator and a gifted teacher. He embraces any opportunity he gets to speak to a group, and absolutely loves when “lightbulb” moments happen. Always eager to learn, Daniel is an avid podcast listener and highly recommends “The Bare Performance Podcast,” “The Ed Mylett Show” and “DawgNation Daily”.

Daniel founded Growth Hub to help business leaders develop excellence in their personal and professional lives. When he’s not working or working out, Daniel enjoys time with his wife Erin and their 4 boys, and occasionally a good day on the golf course.

Justin Kohns

Justin grew up playing sports and spending as much time outside as possible. His first summer job was mowing grass and he’s always enjoyed active work. He excelled in school, especially math, and has always been inclined towards problem solving.

After college, Justin spent a couple years teaching high school math and also discovered he had interest in small business. This interest led him to the Window Hero franchise, where he spent 12 years and participated in all aspects of the business, from running a crew, to sales, operations, and franchise development. During his time with Window Hero, the company grew from 1 location with 4 employees to 14 locations with over 75 employees. Justin remains involved with Window Hero as an owner of two franchises.

Justin’s passion is to help business owners with strategy and execution. He loves the challenge of bringing business principles to life with Growth Hub members. Justin is a Certified Advanced Insights Consultant.

Naturally curious, Justin enjoys reading biographies and business books. A few of his favorites are The Boys in the Boat, Shoe Dog, The Power of Habit, and Start with Why. In his downtime, Justin enjoys golf and also spending time outdoors with his wife Elizabeth and their four children. Some of their favorite family activities include beach trips, hiking, and bike rides.